With relation to Dr. Bain’s questions of who’s more creative - children or adults - I thought to thinking about a performance I did this week.
Uvic music was fortunate enough to have guest lecturer and performer Velvet Brown. Velvet is the instructor of Tuba at the Pennsylvania State University. She was to perform at Uvic as part of her lecture, and I was chosen to accompany her on the congas.
I was very grateful to have this opportunity. I practiced very hard to learn my part, and did so very well. When it was time to perform, it was just me and her onstage. This of course made me a little nervous. Here I am sitting onstage in front of my peers with a world renowned musician. I’d like to say nerves don’t get to me, but I was indeed a little shaky. This in turn made my performance not what it was in the practice room.
So the question was then sparked - if I was a child, and did not feel the “peer pressure” felt by adults - would my performance have been better and my creative output been stronger because I wouldn’t be as nervous?
I worry this may be the case.
Does modern society create tension between audience and performer and thus diminish the possible emotional impact the performer can give?